

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


all of above are belongs to erma dhailah..my ex-mzms frenz....huhuhu...
die nak casing tepon warne cokelat...hp starp warne pink..huhu..so nilah hasilnyer....
hope suker deh....

the coklat casing

the pink hp strap

Sunday, September 27, 2009

mscarftsh0ppe rebranding....

tajuk entry kali ini takder kene mngena dengan hasil craft yag aku buat....erm seminggu sebelom balik beraye aritu derlah cik kema empunyer mscraftshoppe der meminta aku mereka satu logo untuk kedai belaiu ngan kawan nyer tue.....katernyer dienak imej bru...nak yang der benag, button n jarum as the new logo....so after im skectout some idea on the rough of paper..im come out with this design...full package...the logo, header for the blog, n the signature of their entry...erm need to wait for their comfirmation..then pastu edit thier blog with the new image....thats all what i mean with this rebranding ..rebranding ker? hehehhe opss lupe theme that aku choose id... pink, black n white....
their new logo

their new header

their new signature

p/s: all the design are my idea using Adobe Illustrator CS3

Saturday, September 26, 2009


oder by abng sofi for him n his BF

remake for king syuhada..sbb yang dulu tak muat..huhuhu...silap measurement

p/s: yang nie patutnyer dah di post sebelom balik cuti raya haritue lagi..tapi tak sempat daa....huhu

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


te Quiero
AA this special couple hp Strap is ordered by Aini.

te Amor
LUV...U this special couple hp Strap is ordered by Pa..or Faizurie.heehhe.
p/s: pa nie abih comey doh aku wak nie....

name bdak ini 33

the Besta Elektronik Dictionary....orders by shan (33 in cnise sansan) ...huhuhu..arigato shan2...
budak ini mnyak songey maaa ...taulah student id same mcm aku..hahaha...
hasil combination idea aku ngan die..yang susahnyer aku..hahahah.....atleat dah siap...

Monday, September 14, 2009

doddle love

first try...his name is jongos..
ni aku uat special untuk ibok...selamat hari lahir hahaha....

order by kak zie wife en kamal my lec...huhu

when flower meet ginger biscuit

when flower meet ginger biscuit

for him

for her

all of this are ordered by Suhaida..dah lame dah..bru dapat..kate sebelom ryer hahahha...erm kternye nak bgi anak2 sedare die..thnks su..hope anak2 sedare die suke hatilah

Friday, September 11, 2009

katak itu IJOu

KERERO GUNSO..this big comfy keychain is ordered by ilya....
die nie mmng minat bbenor ngan geng2 katak nie..hehehhe
thnks ilya....

DIMENSION: 6cm x 6cm
PRICE: RM10.00

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

giliran SHEA....

ful view

close Up

this blue polka dot Hp Casing is specially made for
farah syahirah....
(buduck reti mnjahit tapi x mo jhit barang sendrik....hahhaha)
she so love with polka dot..and check out her marbeles fashion ..they are cheap n the quality is....dabest...at GLITZEE enter here

thnks SHEA

Monday, September 7, 2009

miss CRAB.....

missCRAB nie di order oleh shamat( perintis aku nie)
utk besday kawan die.arigato shamat

Sunday, September 6, 2009

RAI's n QUEK's n WANIE's

RAI's mp4 Casing

QUEK's (maxis..hehe)

QUEK's (celcom..hehe)

casingnyer tgh tunggu size dr kamoo

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

mcs Hair Clip

new item arrived....mcs Hair Clip

ITEM CODE: mcs Hair Clip
PRICE: RM5.00 (single)
RM10.00 (couple)

grab it now!!!


Ordered by Nalisa

odered by King's Syuhada

ITEM CODE: mcs HpStrap Couple set
PRICE: RM10.00

ITEM CODE: mcs Hp Case

ITEM CODE: mcs Hp Strap

latest product


On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam ada tak klas yang saya boleh attnd untuk kraf yang en miexam buat ni.. Luvly...(more)

On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam.. Ada tak klas yang boleh saya attnd untuk kraf yg en mizam buat ni.. Tkasih

On May 01 Anonymous commented on without limitation
cantik .... :)

On Jan 28 Vijaylaxmi Siyal commented on flower
loved d LELA vry much....so pretty n gorgeous...plz share a tut....

On Sep 21 Anonymous commented on semudah abc
Hai..ni brape harge ye?email me plss..tqbracho42@yahoo.com

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