

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

due2 art

salam ramadhan...dah masuk hari ke-15 yer...alhamdullilah rezeki makin mencurah2.

art 1: grafik

thank sto all the customer grafik and craft.ok jom cerita pasal business..k kat bawah nie logo sedign for lonia...sebelum nie fairy tu very the amoilah hahah. after some discussion an atreation here and there so jadiklah rapunzer versi jepun neh...second pic..mater besau. part rambut palaing payang sebab nak kene betuk tone die...ok. so sekarang nie akan di proceed withheader/ and label, business card and gift tag. and another join venture with lonia is..i will be their official desgner for their choclate wrapper..cool kan..tak sabar nak baut. hope kak ainol will like all the design...k

dulunyer amoi comey lote

kini dialah rapunzel si jelita

thanks to kak ainol jugak for her special entry for me...lepas siap lonia nie ramai orng gak contact nak gune my service. rezeki. but kene explain btol2 lah sebab say ekerja na perlu tunggu n wait for their turn. seb baik paham. hehhe. thnk again kak ainol. k..kat fb pon makin lame makin ramai yang duk mengadd zam. so happy....

next rebranding project is for kak rini shafini meng mengusehekn perniagann baby..opps perniagaan baby plak..perniagaan menjual keperluan baby dan mummy lah.hahah.so the theme will be berkisarkan mak na anak..baby cute lah..hehehhe..looking foward for it.

opss tapi sebelum tu zam tgh try siakn program image for kak amy mayra sempena perhimpunan ibu2. programnyer inspirasi muslimah anggun. so grafiknye rkene ayu dan anggun yang penting arat terelihara..satu cabaran neh.. hope ok... dah buat n email then ader alteration.. thats why discussion itu sangat penting k...

harini plak dapat job from Qreazant..hehhe akak naza want me to ncharge in their new blog for the new program kot. still in discussion k. papehal tunggu upcoming update k


art2(i): crochet

ami-mr.mooMoO..in progress

alhamduliliah selepas pelancaran ami bunny di fb ramai jugaklah yang bertanya mengenainya. so saper yang mau ami tue email yer. t saya bg detail. n the colour that available keh. so tinggalkan si ami bunny tu sekejap. then skung ni wa tgh berusehe menghasilkan new pattern. mr.mooMoO..si lembu comey with spot2..hehehe so nie sneak peakjerlah sebab pattern lom complete lagi

art2(ii): felt

banyak order felt kena siapkan ..so gamar nanti k..sekali arung bile dah siap..hehehe..

tu jer n then daaaa

try my best to pos all the craft order this coming monday or sunday k

for any enquiries, do contact me
+012 922 7754minamisensei@gmail.com


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On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam ada tak klas yang saya boleh attnd untuk kraf yang en miexam buat ni.. Luvly...(more)

On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam.. Ada tak klas yang boleh saya attnd untuk kraf yg en mizam buat ni.. Tkasih

On May 01 Anonymous commented on without limitation
cantik .... :)

On Jan 28 Vijaylaxmi Siyal commented on flower
loved d LELA vry much....so pretty n gorgeous...plz share a tut....

On Sep 21 Anonymous commented on semudah abc
Hai..ni brape harge ye?email me plss..tqbracho42@yahoo.com

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