

Friday, December 25, 2009

diam2 ubi.....

salam semua..sori sebab lama menghilang.. skung currently busy with my final design project for my course. industrial design.. seriously busy... cannt upload design that i already done. erm to all the give aways winner, insyaAllah next week i will post all the birdies..sbb baru jer dapat all of the adress. n currently im struggle my the design project....iD. wish me luck. this is my final year in uni life..ehhehe

currently progress...
finish up all the orders from tje customer..as soon as i cann
rebranding for the LETSCRAFT.BLOGSPOT.COM ( logo, banner n business card)
paperbag, and wedding card invitation for HAZCOPRINT ENT.
paper tag for clothes and paper tag for craft for ZUREYNE.BLOGSPOT.COM

wish me luck...thnks

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

menjadi realiti

huhuhuhu..suke bebenor bile tgok kiterneyr design become a real item..wawaa...rase bangga pon ader...ahhahah..yeah BANGGA!...mau tak..bende kita dok godek-godek, ubah tang tu, ubanh tang nie, akhirnya jadi reality..bangga weh...hahahaah...tadi dalam beberapa minit yang lepas kak faziah dari http://lovelybabe-fuzzy.blogspot.com/ der bg gambar my design for her label have done..the last one okey, d'aiman. huhuhu....thats my design..hahahha

label2 baju kak faziah

rasanyer ader yang dah salah paham..ni bukan label baju saya yer..post nie nak bagi tau yang the last label is my design. akak faziah ask me do do it for her...i'm only design it.thanks

Monday, December 14, 2009

and the winners are.....

assalamaulaikum to all the readers...erm nie sbnenyer entry sambungan kepaada entry2 give away saya sebelum nie. ok nk di pendekkn cerita..sebelum nie saye der kater hujung minggu nie bru nk umum winners...tu sbnaarnyer di sebabkn hadiah lom der..om jahit..tade idea..so idea datang and proces menyiapkn pon dimulakan...untuk first give away dri saya nie..keempaat2, empat pemenang akn menerima SMALL CARD CASE with the special BIRD on it...huhuhu...mereke ialah syera,myra,merlys, and illey...so kat bawah nie hadiah2nyer...and...the

winners are......

26. ckin http://ckinsartwork.blogspot.com will adopted illey
5.Rai http://raicraft.blogspot.com will adopted mayra
13.sweetwannur http://sweet-wannur.blogspot.com, will adopted syera
32.fuzzy aka faziah http://lovelybabe-fuzzy.blogspot.com, will adopted merlys

sile emailkan alamat anda kepade sayer yerk: dgn tajuk email...yip yip hooray di alamt minamisensei@gmail.com

dan kepade yang tak menang jgan sedey2 yerk..insyaAllah len kalider lg give away....hadiah lagi best..pepon..klu sudi tinggalkn komen anda about this new item...saper nk leh tempah

and one more things lupe nak bg tahu keempat2 pemenag diamik dr sini sbb yang lagi satu sorang je masuk....sori yerk..

Thursday, December 10, 2009


kali ni nak join jugak lah giveaway from http://colorscityshop.blogspot.com... harap2 kali nie der rezeki menang kat sini. rasernye sempat lagi bagi sesaper yang nak join give away nie...ketik sini sebelum 13 disember yer.....jom join ramai2

GIVE AWAY update

erm any way sempena besday nie der nak buat give away sbnrnye... so this give away ader dua kategori..for those who follow and read this DARI.DALAM.DIRI.AKU are invited to join this give away and the others category is the follower and the readers of MIEZCRAFT..so there are 2 winners for each category. so that means there are 4 lucky one wil get freebies from me....before 30.11.09

put this label together with your entry


mak uih ponat...jam menunjukkan kul 1.59 am bersamaan 10 disember 2009. baru je habis melawat blog2 bloggers yang join my give away...huhuhu..thnks to all...keh nie update senarai nama para peserta yer.......

1. tiong-tiong http://feltwishes.blogspot.com
2. sweetcraft store http://sweetcraftstore.blogspot.com
3. zai kulim http://zaikulim.blogspot.com/
4. @yanzMnor http://ymn82.blogspot.com
5. Rai http://raicraft.blogspot.com
6. nea flerida http://neaflerida.blogspot.com
7. bieha besh http://cinonetcomelcraft.blogspot.com
8. wirdah http://vida2u.blogspot.com
9. ayu http://shafizaidayu.blogspot.com
10. lisavskhusairi http://erynaraisya.blogspot.com
11. d'cottage craft owner htpp://dcottagecrafts.blogspot.com
12. sleepy http://myfreakydolls.blogspot.com
13. sweetwannur http://sweet-wannur.blogspot.com
14. atiqah http://atiqah-naa.blogspot.com
15. anjung kraft http://anjungkraf.blogspot.com
16. anamarza http://anamarza.blogspot.com
17. juniza http://blogjuniza.blogspot.com
18. syakila http://nurnuha-syakila.blogspot.com
19. inasepi http://inasepi.blogspot.com
20. ogy http://ogy2112.blogspot.com
21. adila cutie-home http://cutie-home.blogspot.com
22. aple de gadiz http://future-fun.blogspot.com
23. myluverly http://www.myluverly.blogspot.com
24. aishah megahasz http://megahasz.blogspot.com
25. taufidris http://taufidris.blogspot.com
26. ckin http://ckinsartwork.blogspot.com
27. anin http://seindahbayu.blogspot.com
28. cik sarah http://alilshop.blogspot.com
29. ieyza http://ieyza83.blogspot.com
30. kak ngah http://aslindaa.blogspot.com
31. arni nasir http://arninas.blogspot.com
32. fuzzy aka faziah http://lovelybabe-fuzzy.blogspot.com

so total semua sekali aderlah 32 orng..selepas di tolak comment berulanng dri tuan yang samer....<------salah tuang blog nie gak tak hapdet..hahahah...

kene tunggu lagik yer

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


asslamaualikum terlebih dahulu tuan empunya blog nak ucapkan...sorry sanggat yerk kepade semua peserta yag telah menjoinkn diri dalam give away nie. den coti sebulon dan maksudyer sebulan lah tar berupdate blog ini sowi yerk. so minggunie insyaallah senarai nama peserta akn di update. dan seterusnya nama pemenang akan di keluarkn...sooori bnyak terima kasih kerana sabar menunggu...heheheeh....

p/s baru sampai utm neh....kene kemas2 barang dulu. chow

Saturday, November 14, 2009

cermin mato.....namo...miaw

ira dan ila (siblings)

siBACIN & siTENGIK..(lovedovey couple)


thnks to alll.....

Thursday, November 12, 2009


erm any way sempena besday nie der nak buat give away sbnrnye... so this give away ader dua kategori..for those who follow and read this DARI.DALAM.DIRI.AKU are invited to join this give away and the others category is the follower and the readers of MIEZCRAFT..so there are 2 winners for each category. so that means there are 4 lucky one wil get freebies from me....before 30.11.09

put this label together with your entry


both of this pingu-pingu is dsigned for shanshan again..thnkds 33

Friday, October 30, 2009



This Hallow miaw ore specialy made for Farah Syahirah...thnks fot the support.
She is the owner of the GLITZEE.. she have a blogshop sell new and well branded fashion for u all do visit ya...

ITEM: mCS Brooch

p/s:this is sort of the started for my new handmade craft. ORDER NOW!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

mikylayna give away..

secondtime masuk giveaway..harap mng juge disini...
psst previous wining give away dah dapat dah.....huhuhu
from paper-and-string...daapt reindeer...

rai's craft rebranding




kini tiba giliran rai's craft plak punyer rebranding. Kak Rai nie kawan Kak Kema..die orang berdua nie pemilik mscraftshoppe..huhuh. thnks sebab bg job kat zam edit blog nie...heheheh

p/s: all the design are my idea using Adobe Illustrator CS3

Friday, October 16, 2009




this both hair clip is ordered by akak farah...empunyer myangels-love
akak farah nak yang der tema pink2..tapi yang the other one saye pilih warne cream...but still have a little bit of pink...

thnks yer kak farah

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

lovelybabe-fuzzy turn

rectangle tag (will pe printed)

craft wrap (will be printed)

each design will be printed for 500pcs

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


all of above are belongs to erma dhailah..my ex-mzms frenz....huhuhu...
die nak casing tepon warne cokelat...hp starp warne pink..huhu..so nilah hasilnyer....
hope suker deh....

the coklat casing

the pink hp strap

Sunday, September 27, 2009

mscarftsh0ppe rebranding....

tajuk entry kali ini takder kene mngena dengan hasil craft yag aku buat....erm seminggu sebelom balik beraye aritu derlah cik kema empunyer mscraftshoppe der meminta aku mereka satu logo untuk kedai belaiu ngan kawan nyer tue.....katernyer dienak imej bru...nak yang der benag, button n jarum as the new logo....so after im skectout some idea on the rough of paper..im come out with this design...full package...the logo, header for the blog, n the signature of their entry...erm need to wait for their comfirmation..then pastu edit thier blog with the new image....thats all what i mean with this rebranding ..rebranding ker? hehehhe opss lupe theme that aku choose id... pink, black n white....
their new logo

their new header

their new signature

p/s: all the design are my idea using Adobe Illustrator CS3

latest product


On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam ada tak klas yang saya boleh attnd untuk kraf yang en miexam buat ni.. Luvly...(more)

On Sep 24 ~ZitaHassanStoryTeller~ commented on without limitation
Assalam.. En miezam.. Ada tak klas yang boleh saya attnd untuk kraf yg en mizam buat ni.. Tkasih

On May 01 Anonymous commented on without limitation
cantik .... :)

On Jan 28 Vijaylaxmi Siyal commented on flower
loved d LELA vry much....so pretty n gorgeous...plz share a tut....

On Sep 21 Anonymous commented on semudah abc
Hai..ni brape harge ye?email me plss..tqbracho42@yahoo.com

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